Wildlife Ucluelet
The Ucluelet area offers some of the most spectacular opportunities to view wildlife found anywhere in the world. Often overlooked in the area, Bear Watching can offer an exciting wildlife viewing experience. These majestic wild animals can be observed from the safety of a wilderness tour or cruise, but be prepared to be blown-away, as the local Black Bears can grow to be absolutely huge!

Bear Watching – Ucluelet
Adult male Black Bears can weigh up to 600 pounds and stand nearly six feet tall when on their hind legs. While most bears in the area are predominantly black they can also be brown, cinnamon or even blond. It’s rare to see one that’s lightly coloured but they are around so keep your eyes open and you might just spot one!
Abundant to the West Coast of Vancouver Island, the Black Bear makes its presence known at low tide. They travel down to the shores in search of their favorite delicacy, the Rock Crab. These moments offer a great opportunity to view the Black Bear in their natural habitat from the comfort of a marine wildlife viewing tour.
Bird Watching – Ucluelet
Bird lovers will be happy to know the forests surrounding Ucluelet are home to many species of birds, such as Winter Wrens and Varied Thrushes. A seabird, the Marbled Murrelet, even makes its nest in the forest canopy.
Deer, black bear, cougar, otters, minks, squirrels, bald eagles and more than 200 species of shore birds also inhabit the rugged area around Ucluelet.
Whale Watching – Ucluelet
22,000 grey whales migrate past Reef Point Cottages on their way to Alaska every March and April. Take a run out in one of the many charter boats and be prepared to be awe struck or watch for spouts from shore.
There is nothing quite like watching a 20 ton mammal, 50 feet long lift itself completely out of the water. You won’t see that every day, but it is special when it does happen. Keep your eyes open as well for humpbacks, orcas, porpoises, seals, sea lions, sea otters and more.
Jamie’s Whaling Station
Jamie’s Whale Watching offers tours in Tofino and Ucluelet on state of the art zippy zodiac style vessels for those who crave adventure, or the west coast’s only large, luxury whale watch vessels, the 65 foot,’Leviathan II’ in Tofino or the ‘Lady Selkirk’ from Ucluelet, BC.
We see Orca whales (Killer whales) as well. There are 12 pods of ‘Transient’ Orcas that we see about once every two to three weeks throughout the year.
Ph: 1-877-726-7444
Subtidal Adventures
During March and April the longest migration of any mammal goes right past our shores. Over 20,000 Gray Whales pass by here on their journey from Mexico to Alaska but some will stop to feed in our protected bays.
This special cruise is only during the March and April spring migration. Sea lions, seals, eagles and sea birds are also common. Our “Islands Whales and Bears” tour takes take advantage of summer resident whales in Barkley Sound.
Ph: 1-250-726-7336